What happens to our brains on digital?

Unfortunately, it’s worse than you think. Because it’s impacting our ability to think. A recent podcast interviewed three researchers studying the long-term effects of digital interactions in this rapidly morphing and accelerating environment of distraction and overload. There’s more to unpack than I can do justice here so let me pique your interest with a … Read more

What If a Walk in the Woods Was – Illegal?

There’s a fascinating social protest going on in the UK now. The movement is called “Right to Roam” and involves a wealthy landowner in Dartmoor who doesn’t want people walking and camping on the 4,000 acres of a national park he owns. The legal case has triggered a countrywide public outcry. Walking across the moor … Read more

Thinking is Not Enough to Save Us from the Trolls

Add this to your list of must-have skills to navigate the online world: Critical ignoring.  Psychologists, scientists and educators have determined that critical thinking skills aren’t enough to save us from being overwhelmed by the vast amount of garbage online. Rather than take the time to evaluate, check and verify everything we read, we need to quickly recognize rabbit holes … Read more

Could This One Overlooked Detail About Attention Be Causing Your Mental Fatigue?

We have two two types of attention:  Directed attention – focusing on a task Effortless attention – letting our mind wander We use directed attention when we solely focus on the task at hand and ignore and suppress the mental demands and distractions that constantly tug at us. Ignoring those distractions actually takes more effort … Read more

Read This Newsletter and Blink Hard 20 Times

Downer alert: I’m doing more research on health problems associated with excessive screen time and frankly, I’m more concerned now then before I started.  Let’s just talk about the vision problems. Computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain: burning, dry or watery eyes, redness, double vision, blurred vision, loss of focus, eye twitching, eye fatigue, … Read more

How to Properly Slide Down a Digital Rabbit Hole and Not Get Lost

I have a love-hate relationship with digital rabbit holes. Those online forays that start with an innocent question and end up 30 minutes later with nothing to show for it except lost time. Or the sidetracks that you suddenly find yourself on while deep in topic research. The love part is when I occasionally discover … Read more